Thursday, June 3, 2010

Punishment, Neutrality & Liberation

When the Buddha identified the origin of suffering, he pointed within and not outside, because he knew that the principal causes of our suffering are our own negative emotions and the actions they drive us to do.....HH Dalai Lama (2001)

Suffering negative emotions is punishment energy. Everyone has their own quantity and quality of punishment energy. Moving punishment energy out of one's space is a priority for health, but the person must want to/be ready to do it.One cannot get started in the clean-up if one is clinging overly to ego attachment. If the native is too invested in the anger /frustration/invalidation cycle, subconscious desperate clinging will prevent release. And there has to be replacement energy available to surge in immediately after the release.

Often, such a sophisticated & elaborate network of ego-responses to the punishment energy has developed over time, that the person's entire identity seems to depend on staying connected to the punishers (who dole out the guilt & grief). The elaborate ego-protective mechanism for surviving the punishments so dominates the field of awareness that one is unable to see the possibility of breaking away from the punishers. This is what stuck energy is all about, allowing oneself to become the result of things forgetting that one is a participant-creator of things.

But at some point the karma of bondage to ignorance reduces through compassionate actions, and as a result the field of awareness will slightly expand. An objective view emerges. The connection between the punishment energy, its agents, and the patterned ego-responses it invokes becomes fairly obvious, and the person is motivated to break the chain. One tires of "being the result of someone else's energy" and wants to create a more self-directed path.

If the punishment energy that holds the victim role (either living it or enabling it) in place is consciously released and spiritual harmony becomes the core truth, then spiritual harmony will be reflected back in all the heart relationships that ground through one's core." It's a personal spiritual decision to set one's personal energy at a higher, lighter, more subtle level; which entails the decision to un-set the center, to move the center, from a lower, heavier, more gross level. One simply asks oneself "how do I want to feel?" If the answer is "I want to feel relaxed, neutral, and amused" then one commits to being in that space and returning to that space if one should stray.

Having set the energy at relaxed neutrality, it is quite easy to catch the people in one's environment who are throwing negative, grosser, reactive energy into one's space, because the contrast between the nice vibe where you set your psychic center versus the icky vibe where they pitch the energy, is felt in the physical body. It's easy and obvious to feel the difference in vibration.

After the core energy is set at neutral any non-neutral energy (anger, anxiety, guilt grief etc.) that tries to penetrate the core is very easy to spot. And the purveyor of that energy is easy to identify because when you're around that person *if the boundaries are weak* you will lose the neutral centering and slip down into the lower poo-poo to match the privileged invader. (I.e. when the boundaries/conviction weaken one remains vulnerable to invasion by historically privileged negativity, old yucky patterns that might not be nice but one is habituated to them and they sneak in with a familiar person...).

So having set the core energy, made the commitment to operate from a psychic base of neutrality and amusement, what happens when some familiar person constantly barrages one with sustained onslaughts of negative energy? Initially there is lots of trial and error. I set my energy high, I want to live in peace and awareness, but some privileged person in my life constantly throws at me criticism, fear, belittlement, free-ranging anxiety, obsession, etc. What can I do to sustain the relationship?

Perhaps the person throwing negative energy, trying to control the relationship through fear and anxiety, is just about ready him/herself to take their own step up. Maybe the script at this juncture is that they just need a little reminding about where that neutral space is, they just need a little role-modeling to demonstrate a higher center that they too have experienced before and they too want as their next step. This is a nice result, when a karmic phase of ignorance and suffering ends for both people at approximately the same time. One partner may be slightly ahead, but the behind partner catches up quickly.

Each soul is determined to advance out of ignorance toward merging with the divine. That's what souls do; that's what we're here for. If my awareness just took a big step up and I actually recognize the beauty of that neutral, reflective, clear state I am going to want to stay there - stay high on the ridge top. I will naturally, because of the nature of the human spirit, resist going down into the foggy bottom again. Just as the seed grows upwards. It's our nature to strive upwards in consciousness, toward God, toward bliss.

Good verbal communication is the key at these junctures: the partner ahead talks about how he/she wants to feel in the relationship, the partners talk together about the repeating event configurations where habitual negative energy arises, and they work together consciously on those troublesome configurations to proactively release negative energy as it enters the shared activity field, never permitting it to enter the core.

However in order for the following partner to catch up with and match the leading partner's energy he/she MUST BE ABLE TO RECOGNIZE THE NEUTRAL PEACEFUL SPACE within themselves and they MUST WANT TO BE THERE. If they don't know what that space is, if they have never felt the calm bliss of trust, or if they have perhaps felt it but they have been acculturated to believe that this calm state is the enemy -- so that their instinctive reaction to that neutral space is to destroy it, try to weigh it down into something grosser, slower, more familiar like anxiety or hatred or bitterness or fear - then from where would they match? They can't match "up". If the behind partner can't match "up" then in order to sustain the relationship the ahead partner will need to abandon his/her higher center and match "down". The path to the divine is orchestrated into a series of love matches, as we meet people who are running very slightly higher vibrations than ourselves, are attracted to them (gurus, parents, partners, children, friends) and we match "up" to the more subtle vibration of their higher awareness. The prognosis for successfully "matching down" is poor indeed because it is simply against nature to "choose" unhappiness.

After much deliberation one is firmly committed to feeling neutral [technically the valence of that state is neutral-to-slightly-positive, it's blissful amusement] but perhaps a financial obligation persistently invades one's space with negative energy. Say it's an old debt, maybe it's not a "fair" debt and there's lots of injustice, scarcity, bickering energy around it. Perhaps it's been hanging around forever dragging down one's energy but one stays in the conflict about whether one "should" [guilt language] pay the debt. If the commitment to neutrality is strong one wants this type of repeating negative energy out of one's space pronto. It becomes obvious that -- regardless of legal or moral principle -- to get this lingering junk out of one's space it is most efficient energetically to pay the bill and get on with life. In obvious housecleaning issues like money and law courts one knows that the goal of resolving the dispute is to obtain that feeling of freedom; knowing how one wants to feel and generally what it will take to restore that feeling allows one to cut to the chase very quickly. There is very little lingering in matters of principle and who was legally or morally right etc. By contrast, somebody who is stuck at the lower levels will want to drag out these discussions about "fairness" forever as a control strategy. But "fair" is a construct of social morality designed to sustain societies full of people operating at lower levels of consciousness. So one of the consequences of setting higher core energy is that one is prone to "let go" of negative energy very quickly.

Liberation from obsessive relationship to material wealth tends very much to increase wealth at ALL levels as state of trust/openness to abundance greatly eases & increases permission to enjoy!)

People talk about one last chance to salvage a core relationship. This is what last chances are all about -to make sure that the fallen-behind partner is given every opportunity to match up. But if they can't match up - which often they can't for karmic reasons - then there will be separation on the path for the remainder of this life, although you can be sure to meet up again in a future life because this closely involved person however damaging the results of the closeness IS a core connection.

There are 50-60 such core connections for each of us which follow us & reconfigure thru each lifetime.